Job Search

As fellow professionals, we know you are busy, we know you have your own unique drivers, aims and hopes for your future. Let us get to know you so we can make well-informed suggestions for your next step.  Check out our current roles below, send us your CV and we’ll get the ball rolling. 

An exciting leadership role for a highly experienced Game Mathematician to develop further within our clients successful and expanding business in the i-gaming sector
Industry Specialisation: Gambling, Gaming Contract Type: Permanent
An Ad-Ops Specialist role where you will take responsibility for managing and optimising advertising operations across various digital platforms.
Industry Specialisation: Online Gaming, Marketing, Gambling, Gaming Contract Type: Permanent
An innovative online casino and bingo brand is looking to hire a Head of Marketing to head up their North America marketing team.
Industry Specialisation: Media & Creative/Digital, Marketing, Gambling, Gaming Contract Type: Permanent
A Head of Business Intelligence Role for a driven and highly talented analyst.
Industry Specialisation: Media & Creative/Digital, Online Gaming, Marketing, Gambling, Gaming Contract Type: Permanent
Due to further global expansion and reach our client is looking to add a Paid Social Manager to their high performing digital team.
Industry Specialisation: Media & Creative/Digital, Online Gaming, Marketing, Gambling, Gaming Contract Type: Permanent
Are you ready to manage the global ATL media strategy of our highly successful and expanding global client? If so, look no further, this is most certainly an opportunity for you!
Industry Specialisation: Media & Creative/Digital, Online Gaming, Marketing Contract Type: Permanent
This is the ideal role for someone who is looking to make their mark and further develop their legal career
Industry Specialisation: Legal Contract Type: Permanent
A fantastic paralegal opportunity with huge potential, not to be missed, in this thriving residential and commercial property law firm
Industry Specialisation: Legal Contract Type: Permanent
Great opportunity for a Senior PPC Executive, who will play a pivotal role in optimising and managing paid search campaigns across various platforms and countries
Industry Specialisation: Financial Services, Hospitality & Catering, Leisure & Tourism, Online Gaming, Retail, Telecoms, Marketing, Gambling, Gaming, E-Commerce, FMCG Contract Type: Permanent
An excellent opportunity for an Account Director to be the primary lead for an established agency’s new business activity
Industry Specialisation: Sales & Marketing, Healthcare & Medical, Marketing, FMCG Contract Type: Permanent