ICE Barcelona 2026

Playing an essential role in the ongoing evolution of the gaming industry

Join our global community of over 55,000+ trailblazers in the gaming industry.

Participate in the industry’s most influential networking, business, and educational event.

Secure exclusive access to cutting-edge innovations, technological solutions, regulatory updates, and the insights necessary to position your brand successfully in emerging and established markets. Make meaningful connections and exchange ideas with gaming professionals from every sector at every level, over three days of opportunities at the world’s largest international gaming event.

  • “ICE” historically stands for “International Casinos Exhibition”, but the gaming industry has evolved significantly since ICE started and, as the event has developed in line with the changing gaming landscape, it now services the entire gaming spectrum, with a balance between land-based and digital channels.
  • ICE continues to be unrivaled as the leading global gaming technology event for business growth, development and networking for B2B individuals.
  • All forms of gaming are covered at ICE, whether land-based or online. So if you are a decision-maker within gaming you can register your interest for your free pass here, to be one of the first to know when official registration is launched. 

Meet the top players from the Gaming Industry - Sectors:

  • Casino & Games: As the home of the international industry, ICE sits at the top table of casino gaming with some exhibitors insisting that London now eclipses Las Vegas.
  • Esports: Esports is the gaming industry’s hottest new growth vertical with many major operators and suppliers, considering M&A deals to support their ambitions of entering this exciting world.
  • Sports betting: With a mix of online and land-based sportsbook providers, the sports betting area is a ‘one-stop shop’ for visitors with an interest in the vertical.
  • Payments: The gaming industry faces constant change, not only due to ever-changing regulations, but also from the evolution of mobile and online gaming services.
  • Regulation Technology: In a highly regulated sector, making sure you have the right regtech partners is more crucial than ever.
  • Platforms: The gaming platform sector is the foundation for the industry, and the specialists are coming to ICE 2024.
  • And Other Gaming Industry Sectors: Bingo, Lottery, iGaming...