London Tech Job Fair

Welcome Employers and Job Seekers!

The Techmeetups Tech Job Fairs seeks to connect diverse job seekers with diversity-minded companies.

All HR & talent acquisition professionals are welcome to attend as Exhibitors or register with the HR & Recruitment Professionals Pass.

Employers, hiring managers, career consultants, startups & community organizations come together to provide resources, connections, and job opportunities to candidates looking for opportunities in IT/Tech, Sales & Marketing.

Jobseekers Audience: Tech, Sales & Marketing professionals in the city of London, United Kingdom (UK)

Tech Professionals, graduates, and highly skilled professionals looking for a career in technology, marketing or sales, are encouraged to attend.

Job seekers will have the opportunity to meet top employers and to speed interview for several positions during the event, meeting the people who actually make the hiring decisions. is a Global cluster of 21 interconnected communities with 65,000+ startups, students and graduates, professionals, coders, salespeople, financiers, marketers & developers across the world.